34 Week Check-Up - 4th Percentile!!! April 12th

Shane and I had an early morning appointment with Dr. Robison for our weekly check-up on Thursday, April 12th.  We were scheduled for the Dopler Cord Study, a growth up-date ultra-sound, the non-stress test and my weekly comedy routine with Dr. Robison.  Amy was our ultra-sound tech that day and I could tell that she was stressed out with the measurements she was getting.  Baby B - which was our little girl has been small all throughout the pregnancy - in the 11th percentile.  Because of this we went early on to see the perinatologist - who didn't find anything wrong and attributed it to my high-blood pressure.  During this appointment we determined that our little girl had dropped from the 11th percentile to the 4th.  They were predicting that she was 3.4 pounds.  Baby A - our big boy was in the 26th percentile and was predicted to be 4.8 pounds.  My blood pressure was steadily creeping up and up again - despite the medication.  The cord blood flow looked good.... the amount of amniotic fluid looked good.... the non-stress test..... well, the machine wasn't working properly and wouldn't record both babies so they sent us to Labor and Delivery in the hospital to have that test done - just in case.  The test looked good and we were scheduled to come back on Monday to see Dr. Robison - just in case. 

This drop in the baby girl's growth had us worried.  Our chapter that week in "Your pregnancy week by week" had been on IUGR and the increased chance of fetal death.  (Interuterine growth restriction).  We knew that Dr. Robison was concerned because he came in and stood with us during the duration of the ultrasound and sat with us for a long time during the non-stress test.  I'm sure he is much busier that to hang out during these 30-45 minute long tests with all his patients.

Nights were getting more and more sleepless and I was feeling like total doo-doo!

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