Step One in the Nursery

Shane and Anna (she is a great help!) bought the base coat of paint over the weekend and he taped and taped and taped and on Monday painted the base coat in the nursery.  Caraway Seed (light milk-chocolate) is the base color.  Shane did a fantastic job and once the paint cures (about 3 days) Anna is going to tape and paint the stripes.  I am excited to see the finished product and so grateful for all the help we are receiving.  It is extremely frustrating to have so much that needs to get done and not be able to do a single thing.

Here are some photos from last week's ultrasound.  The ultrasound was really to check the blood flow in the umbilical cords and the cerebral blood flow as well as check the levels of amniotic fluid - which were all normal.  They did sneak in a photo or two of the babies.  The cervix is holding at  90% effaced basically and Darla (the ultrasound tech) said, "I can tell you are doing a good job at staying down - or you would have delivered by now".   It is so nice to be appreciated!

This week's appointment we passed the glucose tolerance test!!!  I was sure based on how everything else has gone that I would fail - but I passed!!!  Amniotic fluid levels still look good and my blood pressure was up a bit - but not in the "Danger, Will Robinson!!" type of range.   I haven't felt good.  Headaches and just an overall feeling of blah - but it does respond to Tylenol - mostly.  We see Dr. Robison again next week before he leaves town (from March 23 - through April 1st).  His return to town is my next personal mile marker.

Both babies are still breach and I have been having random contractions but not enough to time "in an hour" again.


  1. such good news! glad you have so much help.

  2. You are doing it woman!!!!! Good for you! I love reading about all the wonderful progress...babies growing, nursery being put together...yea, yea, YEA! Keep doing a great job "cooking" those two sweet little babies!
