This week the novelty of this increasingly heavy belly has worn off. I think it happened at around 9pm on Wednesday (to be precise!). I am really trying not to complain because: 1) my pain doesn't need to be everyone else's pain; 2) We not only chose this but prayed, pleaded and fasted for it; 3) complaining won't make it less uncomfortable. But - for journaling purposes I would like to list some pro's and con's I have noticed for this week:
Pro - Not having a single day of morning sickness
Con - Constant fullness/burning in my esophagus
Pro - Not having my collection of fibroids attach to either baby or either placenta
Con - Looking/feeling like I am 32 weeks pregnant at 22 weeks (instead of 22 weeks with 2 babies and 3 huge fibroids)
Pro - Generosity of family and friends with maternity clothes (gently used and new)
Con - Having chemise-styled "tops" that refuse to let your bra strap stay in place and maternity jeans that need to be hiked up one time every 7 seconds.
Both - Having a helpful husband that you have come to rely upon and then going to the grocery store alone and having to unload the cart onto the belt and the bags out of the car and put everything way. This - under normal conditions is less than fun.... but now....
Both - Feeling pretty good and invincible in the morning and feeling tons of weight, pressure, aching and possibly pain by evening.
I am trying to have my glass half-full and focus on the positives. Shane got home this morning from shift work and came in to ask me if something had happened that I couldn't put the groceries away. (Take that as he knows me well enough to see that something was up - verses the text book "what did you do all day" type of comment). I told him I was hurting too badly to take the storage room items downstairs until this morning.... and that was truer that I would have imagined a few weeks ago.
Pro - Not having a single day of morning sickness
Con - Constant fullness/burning in my esophagus
Pro - Not having my collection of fibroids attach to either baby or either placenta
Con - Looking/feeling like I am 32 weeks pregnant at 22 weeks (instead of 22 weeks with 2 babies and 3 huge fibroids)
Pro - Generosity of family and friends with maternity clothes (gently used and new)
Con - Having chemise-styled "tops" that refuse to let your bra strap stay in place and maternity jeans that need to be hiked up one time every 7 seconds.
Both - Having a helpful husband that you have come to rely upon and then going to the grocery store alone and having to unload the cart onto the belt and the bags out of the car and put everything way. This - under normal conditions is less than fun.... but now....
Both - Feeling pretty good and invincible in the morning and feeling tons of weight, pressure, aching and possibly pain by evening.
I am trying to have my glass half-full and focus on the positives. Shane got home this morning from shift work and came in to ask me if something had happened that I couldn't put the groceries away. (Take that as he knows me well enough to see that something was up - verses the text book "what did you do all day" type of comment). I told him I was hurting too badly to take the storage room items downstairs until this morning.... and that was truer that I would have imagined a few weeks ago.
In the past several days we have received some cute and fun little gifts for the babies and one for me. We are excited and so grateful for the generosity of friends and family and for their shared enthusiasm. I wanted so share some of them here: